Being involved in an auto accident can completely uproot your life in the blink of an eye. You are trying to recover from your injuries while medical bills and paperwork continue to come in the mail. You may be missing work and trying to handle insurance companies who won’t stop calling. Don’t go through this process alone. Our office is here to help in this difficult time by providing compassion, expertise in the field, and helping you get the compensation you deserve with an expert Car Crash Attorney in {{lpg_city}} {{lpg_state}}.
Some of the compensation that may be recovered in an auto accident can include:
- Medical bills, such as bills from the ambulance, emergency room, and your medication;
- Lost wages from missing work and the wages you may lose in the future due to your injury;
- Property damage, to your vehicle and any personal items inside;
- Pain and suffering;
- Physical impairment; and
- Punitive damages, a special category awarded when the other party is grossly negligent when driving.